Sunday, September 28, 2008

Going Trayless

I'm sure you are all aware of Concordia's decision to stop providing students with trays at Janzow. Many students, including myself, are not happy with this decision.

The purpose of this decision is to force kids to take less food, since it will be hard to carry more than one plate around. We pay a lot of money for our meal plan, which included utensils like forks, spoons, and trays. I want to get my money's worth. Look, I love voluntary conservation. There have been days when I decided not to use a tray because I didn't feel I needed one. Other days when I'm hungry and want a good meal, I need a tray! By the way, I wonder what's going to happen to all the money CU is saving by going
trayless. Will it go back to the students who paid to eat and use the trays at Janzow?

Please don't get the impression that I am unhappy with Concordia. Overall, I'm having a tremendous college experience here. Let's just hope that they don't implement a
Toothbrushless Thursday or a Showerless Saturday to conserve more water!

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